Pray for Revival


  • Freedom Worship Center – – 141 W Boylston St, West Boylston, MA 01583 – Phone: 508-835-3322
    Freedom Worship Center
    A non-denominational church on West Boylston Street that focuses on contemporary worship, Spirit-led prayer, and community outreach.
    • Leadership: Rich Roy, Joe Roy, Rev. Kim Reckert
    • Corporate Praise & Worship with Teaching – Join us for an uplifting time of worship, teaching, and connection as we glorify God and grow in His Word – Sundays 9:30am – Come at 9am for fellowship.
    • Corporate Prayer – We gather as a church family to press into God’s presence, seek His face, and align ourselves with His agenda – Thursday 6:30pm – Come at 6pm for fellowship
    • Healing Room – No matter our background or circumstances, we all long for healing—whether for the heart, mind, or body. The good news is that healing is not just a distant hope but a reality available through Jesus Christ –
      • Jan. 25 (VIRTUAL)
      • Feb. 8 (VIRTUAL)
      • Feb. 22 (VIRTUAL)
    • Men’s Breakfast – open to all men and provides a welcoming space to build friendships, share life experiences, and grow in your walk with Christ – the 4th Saturday of the month 8am – 10am.
    • Oakdale Outreach – The Oakdale Outreach Ministry exists to share the love and light of Jesus Christ with the Oakdale Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center residents – the second Sunday of the month – 2pm
    • Throne Room – Experience God’s glory and presence —an evening of pure worship, prayer, and freedom in His Spirit! – the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 6pm – 9pm? Starts Feb 12th, 2025
  • Bethlehem Bible Church – – 307 Lancaster St, West Boylston, MA 01583 – (508) 835-3400
    BBC 2025-01-18
    A Bible-focused Southern Baptist church located in West Boylston, offering expository preaching, discipleship programs, and family ministries.
    • Leadership: Mike Abendroth, Steve Cooley, Pradeep Tilak, Scott Brown
    • Belief: The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
    • Oakdale Nursing Home – 1st Saturday of month at 10:30am – Join us for visitation, hymn singing, and Gospel preaching with these special folks at Oakdale. There will be a time of  preaching the Gospel and special music.  All are invited – children especially – the residents love to see children!
    • AWANA during school year – The club meeting features fun and competitive games and a message that focuses on the gospel and applying God’s Word to daily life. Trained leaders interact with clubbers to help them memorize and understand Scripture verses.
    • Cornerstone meets on Saturday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM during the school year at Bethlehem Bible Church. We fellowship, worship in song, and are fed the word of God through teaching and the study of Scripture as we dig deeper in discipleship groups and finish the night with some fun and games!
    • Five home groups that may be suspended.
    • Homeschool Co-op, a ministry of Bethlehem Bible Church, offers weekly co-op classes for area homeschoolers.
    • Worcester Common Ministry from BBC does evangelism in Downtown Worcester. Currently, between 4:00-6:00 PM on Saturdays, we meet at the Worcester Public Library (Main) and go witnessing in pairs, on the streets of Worcester around the Common. Between 12:30-4:00 PM, another church from Southbridge does preaching, Bible/Tract distribution, and evangelism on the Common. They minister from early April to early November with a loudspeaker (and permit) and welcome men who can preach the Word and evangelize. All are welcome to join each week and/or keep this ministry in prayer. Contact Bernard Kaswarra or Pradeep Tilak for more information.
    • Clearway Clinic is a free service devoted to women and their pre-born children. The mission of Clearway is to provide love, compassion, and on-going confidential resources to those who are faced with unplanned pregnancies in the greater Worcester area.
  • Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish- – 111 Worcester St, West Boylston, MA  01583 – +1 (508) 835-3606
    Our Lady of Good Counsel
    A Roman Catholic church that serves as a spiritual home for many residents, offering a range of sacraments and faith formation opportunities.
    • Catholic
    • Leaders: Rev. Steven Labaire
    • West Bolyston Food Pantry (supports FCC WB)
    • “Praying Hands” Prayer Shawl Ministry – The OLGC Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers monthly for prayer, fellowship, and a time to work on individual projects. The Ministry meets from October to June (except January and February) on the 1st Tuesday of each month in the parish hall from 7 to 8 or 8:30 pm for prayer and working on projects. Yarn and instructions, as well as help if needed, are provided. If anyone would like a prayer shawl or wants to join the ministry, email Terri at [email protected] or 774-261-0254.
  • First Congregational Church – – 26 Central Street, West Boylston, MA 01583, [email protected]508-835-4462
    First Congregational church
    • They seem to be shutting down according to the paper and selling items off.
    • The home of the West Boylston Ecumenical Food Pantry, a joint service project between our congregation, Oakdale Methodist Church, and Our Lady of Good Counsel. On the third Tuesday of every month, from 12:30pm to 2:30pm, the Food Pantry provides both perishable and non-perishable food to those who lack the resources to purchase them on their own. If you would like to volunteer to serve, donate or if you are in need of food, please call our church office
    • In collaboration with the John Street Baptist Church in Worcester, volunteers from our congregation prepare and serve full course lunches to individuals and families at the John Street Soup Kitchen. The Soup Kitchen provides those individuals and families with a place to eat, to talk, to relax, and to be nourished both bodily and spiritually. If you would like to participate in our meal preparation or service, or would like more information, please call the church office
    • Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Worcester. As one of over 20 participating congregations, we provide both financial, material and volunteer support for homeless families who are seeking to transition to permanent housing. IHN provides not only housing and stability, but also assistance with education, employment and training opportunities. IHN aims to build the capabilities and confidence of its guests, with the help of volunteers who offer their time and talent, and who extend their fellowship and hospitality. For a week in September, and again in April, our congregation hosts the guests at their static site in Worcester. We provide meals and conversation, offer support and encouragement, play and read with children. It is our hospitality – and the hospitality of every congregation – that allows IHN to not only provide room and board for its guests, but to bring them into a community of love and respect, in which we are all one together.
  • New England Church – – 112 Crescent St, West Boylston, MA 01583 – [email protected]– 508-762-6481
    New England Church
    • Pastors: Rafael & Flavia Araujo, Fernando Silva
    • Prayer meetings Tuesday at 7pm
    • Bible Study Wed at 7pm
  • Crosswalk New England –– 112 Crescent St, West Boylston, MA 01583 – [email protected]
    • We’re a Seventh-day Adventist, Jesus-centered community growing and learning together. 
    • Saturdays at 11:15am
    • Couldn’t find any ministries local, sent email to office asking for list.
    • Oakdale United Methodist Church – – 15 N Main St, West Boylston, MA 01583 – +15088352601OAKDALE United Methodist Church
      • Pastor: Rev. Cheryl L. Meachen
      • Pillowcase Project for UMASS Pediatric Oncology Ward at Oakdale United Methodist. Typically meets 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 am
      • Prayer Shawl Committee. Typically meets on the 1st Monday of each month from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm. Our knitters have been busy making baby hats, chemo caps, military hats and slippers, and more.  Check out our bulletin board for notes from grateful recipients and the website 
      • Food Pantry– Every third Tuesday in April, August, and December at 3pm Oakdale UMC provides volunteers and donations for the food pantry located at the West Boylston Congregational Church.  To volunteer, please see the minister. Some ideas for donation: when markets give a 2 for 1 deal, donate the extra item.  Needed items are crackers, cookies, Birthday Party kits (card, cake mix, frosting, napkins, candles, etc. in a bag).  Please check the expiration date on all donated items to be sure they are still usable.